
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Clean Marks and Stains

Whether you’re restoring a doll or recently deboxed one— stains happen. Here’s how to fix the most common ones on vinyl dolls: acrylic and dye stains. Before you removing any stain, wipe your doll down with soap and warm water to remove oils and grime.

Note: This tutorial is not recommended for dolls made from non-vinyl materials such as resin or porcelain. Please note the IMPORTANT health and safety warnings in this article, and supervise children and/or pets at all times.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Doll Photography: Make a Lightbox

Melvin sitting in my lightbox, un-photoshopped
Lightboxes mimic natural daylight and allow dolls to stand against a backdrop of your choice. They eliminate bad lighting and distracting scenery, bringing out the best in your subject. Lightbox pictures look crisp and professional, making them ideal for selling products... and even better for posting beautiful doll pictures online!

You can buy a lightbox online for over $100, or make your own "Free Lightbox" with DollyCare's tutorial...

You Will Need:
  • Large cardboard box (for your doll to stand in)
  • Scissors
  • White Fabric (i.e. old white t-shirts or bedsheets)
  • Stapler/Glue
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • 2 non-fluorescent desk lamps (third lamp optional)
  • Photo Editing Program (optional)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where to Get Doll Hair

From left to right: Kanekalon wig hair, DollyHair curly saran, and RestoreDoll nylon
Since I'm on a "hair" roll, here's a list of trustworthy sources for doll hair! This might also come in handy for people who want to make doll-size wigs. This is an overview of the upsides, downsides, and pricing options for various services I've dealt with and ordered from!

If a service isn't listed, or you have any warnings/advice/good experiences, please tell me about it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Reroot Doll Hair: Reroot Tool Method

Heddy before (left) and after (right)
Rerooting doll hair is an easy way to give your doll a new head of hair. There are many hair styles to choose from, but two main methods to reroot hair. In a previous tutorial, I covered the knot method to reroot hair. This one covers the reroot tool method. If you do not have a reroot tool, make one (and the needles to go with it!)

This tutorial covers how to use the reroot tool. My featured doll is actually just a spare head from a second-hand doll I rebodied. Let’s call her Heddy?

You Will Need:
  • Cotton Swab
  • Doll head
  • Doll hair
  • Embroidery sewing needles (size 7, 8 or 10)
  • Reroot tool
  • Waterproof craft glue
  • Wire Cutter
  • Pliers

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reroot Doll Hair: Make a Reroot Tool

Make your own Cheapo Reroot Tool...
Doll hair cannot regrow, but it can be rerooted! One of my recent tutorials covered the knot method, a painfully slow way of rerooting doll hair. Using a reroot tool is more efficient, and takes less than half the time the knot method takes. However, to use it you need a reroot tool! Many sites sell excellent metal tools, notably Dolly Hair. These are worth the money... but what if you’re broke?

Simple— make a Cheapo Reroot Tool! This sturdy metal tool can swap out broken needles and doubles as a hair-hole puncher!

You Will Need:
• Exacto knife (one without a rotating blade)
• embroidery sewing needle (size 7, 8 or 10)
• Wire Cutter
• Pliers (optional)