

This is a dictionary full of doll terminology. Use it to impress/bore your friends.
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1:3 Scale (or 1/3 Scale)
Thirdscale is a doll and action figure height representing an average of 60cm (24 inches). It is proportionate to one third the height of an "average" 1.8m (6ft) tall human. The exact height may vary, but the scale stays the same. So a petite female doll might be only 57cm (22.4 inches), while a tall adult male might be 70cm (28 inches)!

This height is commonly associated with ball jointed "SD" size dolls, a term first popularized by the Japanese company Volks Inc. in 1999. "SD" is currently associated with all ball jointed dolls in this height and scale range, although Volks copyrighted the term.

Thirdscale also applies to Western porcelain and play dolls. These include 20" Collectors Choice porcelain dolls, American Girl dolls, and larger Frido-Trendon Sasha dolls. Despite sharing a scale, Western play dolls are thicker than most ball jointed dolls, and cannot share most clothes with them. Porcelain dolls are a closer scale, and can usually share clothes with slim ball jointed dolls.

1:4 Scale (or 1/4 Scale)
Fourthscale is a doll and action figure height representing an average of 42cm (17 inches). It is proportionate to one fourth the height of an "average" 1.8m (6" ft) tall human.

This height is commonly associated with ball jointed "MSD" size dolls, a term first popularized by the Japanese company Volks Inc. in 2001. "SD" is currently associated with all ball jointed dolls in this height and scale range, although Volks copyrighted the term.

Fourthscale also applies to some American and European dolls, such as Tonner's and Ashton Drake's 16" poseable dolls. For example, Ashton Drake's "Ellowyne" and Tonner's "Tyler Wentworth" are both fourthscale, and can share some clothes and accessories with slim MSDs.

1:6 Scale (or 1/6 Scale)
Sixthscale is a common doll and action figure height representing 12 inches (30 cm). It was standardized during the 1960s with the introduction of Barbie and GI Joe, and is proportionate to a 1.8 m (6" ft) tall human. Some ball jointed "YOSD" dolls fit clothes and accessories with this scale, although YOSDs are actually "child-size" 1/3 scale dolls, and not 1/6 scale dolls.

Snythetic doll hair made from cellulose, or deconstructed wood pulp treated with chemicals. It is weak and breaks easily, which makes it difficult to style. However, it can be boil permed. It is not known which, if any, dolls were manufactured with acetate hair.


Ball Jointed Doll (BJD or ABJD)
Ball Jointed Dolls have articulated ball and socket joints. They are usually cast in dense resin plastic or vinyl, and are strung together with a thick elastic. BJDs have interchangeable wigs and eyes, and their faces arehand-painted. Dolls range in size from 60 centimeters (24 in) to 40 cm (16 in) to 10 cm (4 in). Since BJDs retail for hundreds to thousands of dollars, they are primarily collected by adults.
BJDs produced in East Asia (usually Japan, South Korea, and China) are referred to as ABJD, or Asian Ball Jointed Dolls. East Asian Brands include Dollfie, Iplehouse and Dollzone.
Ball jointed dolls produced by American companies include Tonner, Creedy, Goodreau, and Aston Drake. Although this is not always the case, it is thought by some collectors that many American BJDs have a more realistic "fashion doll" appearance, while East Asian dolls may look more like "anime" characters or ball-jointed statues.
Example: "My BJD poses like an action figure, but GI Joe doesn't cost me a month's rent!"

Face Up
"Face up" or "make-up" refers to the face paint on a doll's face. Usually it relates to ball jointed dolls (BJDs), but face-ups can be given to any type of doll. Factory-direct BJDs come with blank, unpainted faces unless a face-up or "make-up" is ordered. Brushes, an airbrush, acrylic paints, pastel chalk, and watercolor pencils are commonly used for face-ups on resin dolls. Oil-based paints are not because they damage resin. Face-ups are sealed with a matte spray, which may be UV protective. However, many UV protective sprays are banned in the United States for high toxicity levels. No face-up lasts forever, and touching corrodes it! Many independent artists offer custom face-up services, and there are several face-up tutorials available. Example: "The blank doll head I purchased needs a face-up."
Flocked hair on a Bratz Boyz doll

As in "flocked hair" or "to flock." Flock is a velvety material used to create short, fuzzy hair and beards for dolls. It is usually made from synthetic fibers, such as nylon. Example: "Old-fashioned Ken dolls had flocked hair, and I will flock my vintage Ken doll once I restore him."

As in "a hank of hair." Hank is a vague measurement term for strands of doll hair sold by doll-hair suppliers. Depending on the thickness of the hair, a hank is roughly 1/4 to the full the amount of hair on Barbie doll's head (depending on the thickness of the hair plugs and the space between holes on the doll's head.) Example: "You don't have to buy hanks of hair from suppliers; you can make your own by cutting up old wigs!" Also See: Skein, Weft

Kanekelon is a comparatively stiff and low-end type of doll hair commonly used on playline dolls and Halloween wigs. It holds its shape well.

Doll hair made from the wool or fleece of the Angora goat. Its frizzy texture makes it a popular choice for unruly and disheveled hairstyles. Example: "Mohair comes from Angora goats, so my vegan friend will not use it for her customized dolls."

Nylon is a high-end synthetic silk-replacement found in pantyhose and high-end doll hair. It is very soft and smooth, and does not feel as oily as saran hair. It is strong and easy to curl, and is commonly found in dolls manufactured Hasbro (My Little Pony, Jem) and Ashton Drake (Gene, Delilah Noir.) It is also found in Blythe, Pullip, and Patti Playpal dolls.

This term is used to indicate a doll customized by an artist, and is short for "Short for One Of A Kind." Example: "I bought a lovely OOAK Barbie doll from the crafts fair, complete with gothic black lips and a rose tattoo!"

Play Doll
A third scale doll representing a toddler or child, ranging between 50cm (19.7in) to 60cm () tall. They sometimes have stuffed torsos, and jointing in the neck, arms, and legs. Examples include American Girl dolls,

Polypropylene is a type of doll hair feels and looks like a cross between nylon and saran hair. It can be styled and curled as easily as Nylon, but cannot be dyed because it is non-porous. Some Blythe and Pullip hair has polypropylene.

As in, "to Rebody." The act of giving a doll a new body. This is usually done by removing a doll's head and placing it on another body. Example: "I rebodied my Bratz doll by putting it on a MyScene body!"

The act of rooting new hair into a doll's head. It is often using a needle or a reroot tool. Example: "My doll has bad hair, so I will shave it off and reroot it."

High-end doll hair used often used for collector dolls, as well as synthetic hairpieces, wigs, and weaves. It is very soft and shiny, but is harder to curl style than Nylon hair, slightly heavier, and a little oilier. It can be boil-permed. Saran hair is primarily used by Mattel (Barbie, Monster High) and Tonner (Tyler, Ellowyne Wilde), and is also found in many Japanese dolls (Takara Jenny, most BJDs).

As in "a skein of hair." A skein is a coil of hair, tied into a circle. Example: "I needed 5 skeins of blue saran hair to reroot my doll." Also See: Hank, Weft

As in "a weft of hair." A weft is a long, curtain-like strip of hair with seams at the top. They are most commonly used by professional stylists, but can also be used as doll hair. Example: "My stylist sewed some wefts into my hair, and now it looks huge!" Also See: Hank, Skein

YoSD is a thirdscale ball jointed doll averaging 26.5cm (10 inches), representing the height and scale of a one-year-old child. The Japanese company Volks Inc. coined the term in 2004-2005, but this size and scale existed long before the term did! The Korean CustomHouse company released the first modern YoSD-style doll, "Petite Ai," in 2004. This was several months before Volks officially released their YoSD at the 2005 Hometown Dolpa Kyoto 3. Moreover, the French "Bleuette" doll held this scale since 1905!
Although YoSDs are thirdscale, their size allows them to share clothes and accessories with some sixthscale dolls. Regular and thick YoSDs can wear some Mattel Ken clothing. Thin YoSDs can fit some Liv, Bratz Boyz, and Barbie clothes.