
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tutorial: Cut Doll Hair

Is your doll in dire need of a haircut? Scared of screwing up? Here is a fool-proof way to get the cut you want.
Mika before (left) and after (right.)
 You Will Need:
  • Scissors
  • Doll
  • Scrunchie/rubber band
  • Wig Brush/Doll Comb

More after the jump!

1. Tie Hair. Tightly wrap a scrunchie around dry hair, sliding it down to the section you want to cut off. Don’t worry about making kinks in the hair. Here, I am cutting off a section of dry hair. Note that dry hair can be fixed (Fix Dry Hair tutorial coming soon!)

2. Cut Hair. Keep the scrunchie on as you cut, and use it as a guide.

3. Comb Out. Once the hair is short enough, pull off the band. Brush your doll’s hair with a wig brush. To get the ends to curl up, I brush down from the roots and curl the brush up at the ends.

Diagram 1
4. Touch-up. Divide the hair by layers, using the holes on the doll’s head as reference. Snip uneven hairs, moving a few mini-meters at a time. Do not cut large chunks in one go— what is cut cannot be uncut. When transitioning from short to long strands, cut the hair in equal intervals so it doesn’t look jagged (see Diagram 1.)

5. De-poof (optional). If your doll’s hair is poofy, wrap a scrunchy around the head. Keep it on for 1-4 hours (the longer it stays on, the more severe the bend becomes.) I kept Mika's scrunchie on for three hours. The higher the scrunchie rests against the forehead, the more severe the "bend" of the hair becomes.

6. The final product! In case of ugly scrunchy-lines, go through the steps detailed in my Frizzy Hair tutorial.

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