Every blog has a slant. This is where DollyCare stands:
1. Dollycare does not advocate "boycotts" of sweatshops. Informed consumers are a worker's strongest ally. Boycotts can be useful in some cases, but Dollycare focuses on letter-writing campaigns and supporting companies with progressive pro-worker policies (8-hour work days, equal pay, anti-discrimination, union rights, etc.) No one is perfect, but any company (or person) is capable of reform.

3. This blog cares about animals. DollyCare features animal-friendly doll restoration products and tips, and will always list if a product was tested on animals or contains animal products.
4. This blog does not support views that dolls are a "girl's toy." Doll lovers come in all shapes and sizes, and DollyCare does not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, race, religion, or body type.
5. This blogs cares about you! Feedback, questions, comments, corrections and suggestions are always welcome! :)